Tourism context of the conference locations


Many tourist destinations in Europe are currently experiencing a new tourist economic bubble. The two conference locations are good examples of this situation. On the one hand, Barcelona is experiencing social conflicts due to overtourism, and public policies are being enacted in order to contain the growth of tourist offers, or even to actively promote tourism degrowth. On the other hand, Maó (Menorca) is also a good example, within the context of the Balearic Islands, where a balanced and sustainable tourism development model is being implemented, oriented towards a steady state. Menorca’s government efforts towards a more sustainable tourist development model is related to the fact that the whole island was designated as Biosphere Reserve of the UNESCO programme in 1993.


Contemporary globalization is characterized by territorial polarization: between urban and rural spaces, between coastal and inland areas, or as a result of spatial segregation by reason of social class, ethnicity or gender, among others. The diversity of problems experienced in tourism destinations results in different diagnostic and alternative proposals. On the one hand, for example, overtourism is denounced in saturated tourist cities with proposals of degrowth and growth containment to make it more sustainable. On the other hand, in the interior and rural areas, or in impoverished countries, tourism is still considered as a resilient alternative for development or subsistence.



Spanish Tourism Geographies

IGU-UGI, Springer


Leyendo el territorio. Homenaje a Miguel Ángel Troitiño

Universidad de Guadalajara (México)


El turismo, ¿fin de época?

Desafíos de España como destino turístico en un nuevo escenario



SOSTENIBILIDAD  TURÍSTICA: overtourism vs undertourism 

Resultados del XVII Coloquio Grupo 10-AGE

En el XXVI Congreso de la AGE se renovó parcialmente la Junta Directiva. Felicidades a los nuevos miembros. Y gracias a aquellas personas que han trabajado todos estos años.

Disponible la publicación digital  de la obra

España en mapas. Una síntesis geográfica 

Incluye un capítulo sobre turismo 



Innovación, renovación y desafíos.

Aportaciones del XIII Coloquio celebrado en Barcelona


Nueva publicación del equipo de Canarias con Moisés Simancas al frente.

Reflexión sobre el modelo turístico canario.

Nos ha llegado noticia de la reciente publicación en Alba Sud del libro de Ivan Murray, compañero de la UIB. Capitalismo y turismo en España. Muy recomendable.

interesante reseña de Macià Blazquez sobre la salida técnica del coloquio a Gibraltar
A ver qué os parece.